Burning Borders
Burning Borders
Viljandi urban space
5-7 June 2019
Curators Laineli Parrest, Gregor Taul
Artists Hans Christian Nijkerk, Corinna Korth, Astrid Brünner, Marcus Beuter, Pierre-Loup Auger, Enno Stahl, Yvoe Ree, Põleva Kaelaga Kirjak, Michael B. Ludwig, Michael M., Agnes Lundgren.
Burning Borders (officially named HanseLiveArtWorks) was a performance art festival in Viljandi in June 2015 which took place during the Viljandi International Hanseatic Days. Performers from Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Germany and France performed in the town's public space throughout three days.
This mini-festival was co-curated by Laineli Parrest. Photos by Hedi Jaansoo.
Viljandi urban space
5-7 June 2019
Curators Laineli Parrest, Gregor Taul
Artists Hans Christian Nijkerk, Corinna Korth, Astrid Brünner, Marcus Beuter, Pierre-Loup Auger, Enno Stahl, Yvoe Ree, Põleva Kaelaga Kirjak, Michael B. Ludwig, Michael M., Agnes Lundgren.
Burning Borders (officially named HanseLiveArtWorks) was a performance art festival in Viljandi in June 2015 which took place during the Viljandi International Hanseatic Days. Performers from Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Germany and France performed in the town's public space throughout three days.
This mini-festival was co-curated by Laineli Parrest. Photos by Hedi Jaansoo.
Press release in English:
HanseArtWorks is the contemporary art event of the International Hanseatic Days.
Viljandi's HanseLiveArtWorks focuses on ‘live’ art – created here and now.
In the course of three days, artists of 10 Hanseatic towns from Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Germany and France are performing in Viljandi with performances and urban interventions.
In addition to performances there will be a designated HanseLiveArtWorks tent or headquarters in the garden of Kondas Centre of Naive and Outsider Art which will host daily talks and presentations by participating artists. You will find information on each performance from this very tent.
Schedule: http://hansa.viljandi.ee/programme/off-programme/art/?lang=en
Curators: Laineli Parrest and Gregor Taul.
Press release in Estonian:
HANSEliveartWORKS on rahvusvaheliste hansapäevade kaasaegse kunsti sündmus.
Fookuses on “elus”, siin ja praegu sündiv kunstiteos. Festivali alapealkiri “Burning Borders – Põletades piire”, viitab sellele, et just selline kunst, mis astub vaatajaga silmast silma otse linnatänaval, on võimeline nihestama kinnistunud ühiskondlikke stereotüüpe, stampe ning käitumismalle.
Kolme päeva jooksul esinevad Viljandi linnaruumis erinevate aktsioonide, performance‘ite, etenduste ja sekkumistega 10 hansalinna kunstnikud Eestist, Rootsist, Norrast, Saksamaalt, Prantsusmaalt.
Hansapäevade ajal asub Kondase keskuse hoovis HanseLiveArtWorksi telk, kus toimuvad igapäevaselt avatud vestlused ja avatud loengud. Sellest telgist leiate informatsiooni ka kõikide performance'ite toimumiskohtade ja -aegade kohta.
Ajakava: http://hansa.viljandi.ee/programm-2/korvalprogramm/kunst/
Kuraatorid: Laineli Parrest ja Gregor Taul.
Kunstnikud / Artists:
Hans Christian Nijkerk (Bergen) - www.kerkart.com
Corinna Korth (Buxtehode)
Astrid Brünner (Greisfwald) - www.astridbruenner.de
Marcus Beuter (Herford) - www.marcusbeuter.de
Laureline Koenig (Herford) - www.laurelinekoenig.com
Pierre-Loup Auger (La Rochelle)
Enno Stahl (Neuss) - www.ennostahl.de
Yvoe Ree (Osnabrück)
Põleva Kaelaga Kirjak (Pärnu) - tsirkus.weebly.com
Michael B. Ludwig (Telgte) - www.kulturnomaden.org
Michel M. (Telgte)
Agnes Lundgren (Visby) - agnesproduktion.wordpress.com
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