Grigori Lotman Arvo Pärt ajas ja ruumis + Grigori 60
Kondas Centre of Naive and Outsider Art
28 May - 27 June 2014
Curator Gregor Taul
Grigori Lotman is one of the most unique and unusual examples of the so-called Spirit of Tartu. If he did not exist in the cultural context of Tartu, he would have to be invented. He has painted since the 1970s, this exhibition is dedicated to the work of Estonian composer Arvo Pärt. The exhibition was accompanied by the publication of Lotman's poetry book CAX.
Exhibition text in English:
In December 2013 Grigori Lotman celebrated his 60th birthday. Lotman - whom many know by the name Grisha - is one of the most unique and unusual examples of the so-called Spirit of Tartu. If he did not exist in the cultural context of Tartu, he would have to be invented. Therefore we are very happy to mark the jubilee of the artist and poet with a solo exhibition at our museum.
During the 1970s Lotman studied to be an artist at Tartu Art School. Throughout the past few decades he has also been active as a teacher (having run the legendary studio Õndsak) and poet. What makes his poetry exceptional is that he thinks, speaks and writes verses in Tartu language. This is actually a language which still does not possess any rules of ortography. Bearing in mind the example of Dante's Divine Comedy, perhaps we haveanother chance of poetry creating a language?
This is why Kondas Centre has decided to publish the author's collection of poetry. The book "CAX" will have 180 pages, it is designed by Grigori Lotman and Anna Kaarma and its print-run is 100. You can buy it from our museum for 7€. We will launch the book on the 12th of June.
Exhibition is open daily from 11 a.m to 6 p.m. Kondas Centre thanks the Estonian Cultural Endowment.
Exhibition text in Estonian:
2013. aasta detsembris tähistas Grigori Lotman oma 60. sünnipäeva. Lotman, keda paljud tunnevad Griša nime all, on praeguse aja üks silmapaistavamaid ja samas isemeelsemaid Tartu vaimu kandjaid. Kui Grišat sealses kultuuriruumis ei oleks, tuleks ta välja mõelda. Sestap on Kondase keskusel hea meel tähistada kunstniku ja luuletaja ümmargust juubelit isikunäitusega, kus tulevad eksponeerimisele maalid ja joonistused läbi nelja aastakümne.
Olles küll 1970. aastatel Tartu Kunstikoolis kunstnikuks õppinud, on ta viimastel kümnenditel maalimise kõrval samavõrd palju rõhku pannud õpetamisele (legendaarseks on kujunenud tema ateljeekool "Õndsak"), enesearendamisele (seda nii tohutu kultuuritekstide tarbimise näol, aga ka süvenemises budistlikku mõttemaailma) ja luuletamisele. Viimase muudab nii Tartu kui kogu Eesti kontekstis tähelepanuväärseks see, et ta mõtleb, kõneleb ja luuletab tartu keeles. See on keel, millel tänaseni puuduvad ortograafilised normid, mistõttu selle kodifitseerimine ongi ehk luule ülesanne.
Kondase Keskus publitseerib sellega seoses autori – luuletajanimega Grix – luulekogu "CAX", mis koondab viimaste aastate tekste. Raamatus on 180 lehekülge, selle on kujundanud Grigori Lotman ja Anna Kaarma, tiraaž on 100 ning seda on meie muuseumist võimalik soetada 7€ eest. Raamatu esitlus toimub 12. juunil.
Näitus on avatud igapäevaselt 11-18. Kondase Keskus tänab Kultuurkapitali.
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